Tuesday, August 15, 2017

My blog followers are well accustomed by now 
with the Surf hut on the Plage des Casernes in Seignosse, 
one of the most beautiful 
beaches of the Landes coast.

Every year the WWII bunker which hosts
the coast guards' post is painted a different colour. 
This year, dark blue and black, a stylish background for the new
pick up truck and the yellow and red outfit of the life guards, 
 the MaĆ®tres Nageurs Sauveteurs as they are called here.

Depending on the winter gales, the bunker rises or almost completely vanishes 
under the sand. 

What doesn't change is the presence of Marco which every summer
since eight years comes down from his Italian mountains 
to take duty as
the night keeper of the hut and more recently 
one of the official surf instructors.

Every year more friends come and join the gang. 
This year, the breathtaking good looking Achille
is the guest of honour. 

After a very hot day, the deceptive stillness of the sunset 
announces a thunderous storm.  
Dolphins have been spotted cruising on the high sea.

and the sunset is quiet sublime but there still 
work to be done, fishing dinner.

Cesare is a gifted fisherman and, 
you can't beat the Italians at it,
a superb cook.

As the storm finally breaks out,  a deafening heavy rain drums on the tin roof.
We retreat to the hut
for a delicious dinner of the freshest fish ever with tomatoes and steamed rice.
Starts a long evening
totally enraptured by the sheer grace of the moment,
laughing, cheering and toasting
to the good fortune that 
money can't buy.

A perfect day.