Saturday, November 14, 2009


  1. These interiors are magical. Beautiful. I remember saw the leg with the ribbon in a much yellow interior Paris apartment in WoI.;-)
    PS Nice photos of YSL chateau last issue.

  2. These images are paired so magically. It is so pleasing to look at and edited space-why can't my own spaces(even just a corner be so?) Were are these? So glad they are now all in one place where they belong. GT

  3. top: Paris apartment of friends.
    2: an art work at Victoire Poliakoff / Painting, table and pots by myself in the guest bedroom at home.
    3. The parisian flat of couturier Josephus Thimister / a corner in my house.
    4. The overflowed river near home, Plaster leg at Ramuntcho de Saint Amand's home, my first assignment for WOI ages ago ( Antonio, your encyclopedic knowledge amazes me.)
    5. Coat by Josephus Thimister / a detail at home.

  4. Ivan .. .
    The images are glorious -
    but it is the juxtapositions that lend the absolute note of perfection.
    I am, once again, enriched by visiting your world.


  5. Les notes sont somptueuses et l'univers étincellant... merci à votre regard
