Monday, May 24, 2010
I am immensely honored by My Dog Eared Pages who has selected me for her 7 magnificent awards.
As a recipient I am to select 7 favorites, an impossible task, as I my daily musings go far beyond such a small and necessarily unfair selection. To choose is to give up. I simply can't. I love you all.
Let me quote BWS from It's about time
--Each of these blogs is about human vision & creativity & endeavors & relationships.
--Each is generous & helpful.
--Each teaches us to see beauty & life from another perspective.
--Each sees the emotional & historical significance in beauty.
--Each is full of passionate curiosity.
--Each finds enchantment in the everyday.
--Each can recognize beauty in eccentricity & imperfection.
--Each understands the charm of change & surprise.
You are a true gentleman Ivan! Best, Barbara