Friday, June 11, 2010

Mezonin is a russian interior magazine, the first one long before AD, to which I've been collaborating almost from the start. Here is my latest envoy. The Hotel particulier of a wealthy art collector and substantial client from Yves Gastou.


  1. Elegant, eclectic, and just plain fun. Thank you.

  2. wow! need to get my hands on a subscription to this!

    gorgeous as always ivan...

  3. Vos photographies , me donnent envie de peindre.

  4. Elisabeth, voila bien le plus beau compliment que vous pouviez me faire.
    Amities, Ivan

  5. Steffen7:13 PM

    Is this the same set of pictures as in AD France May 2008? I am considering spending 23 EUR on a back issue because of that article, but only if he focus is on the other rooms of this amazing place.

  6. No Steffen, its not the same set. AD France did a rather poor and far too small display with this extraordinary house. This is why, out of frustration, I published it again to complete the story.

  7. Steffen5:28 PM

    Ivan, thanks for the reply. I have seen glimpses of the interiors when the furnishings of the house were sold at Christie's. Worthy of a book of its own.

  8. There will be a book on all of Yves Gastou's decors. I'm currently working on it. It will feature this house, and views from the new home of the same owner and many other places.
    Should be in bookshops by the end of the year.
