Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Summer is over and I got the blues. a platinum print for Mrs V.T.


  1. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Please don't
    I send U
    a sweet
    vanilla kiss

  2. Crazy in Virginia11:21 PM

    The lamp photograph is one of your successful gestures toward amazingness, and it really does evoke the complaint you profess. I also love it for recalling your work with the goddyscreamy painters of rooms (one of the postings of blog history, so far as one's sampling suggests).

    Did you prepare this image, then, to keep on the shelf if you were ever subject to that condition; or, can you really create something so excellent at the same time? I'd only be curious to know, the answer can't be of much help.

    I dislike seeming to ignore the platinum print, but it is already in v capable hands.

  3. Très belle peinture. EB .

  4. unalloyed happiness sent, along with aforementioned joy, and winds laced with salt and sun to chase away any blues...all salt, happiness, sun, joy to be safely harbored in above mentioned (surf) Terestchenko project...

  5. Très très belles photos !!
