Saturday, March 26, 2011

Deep inside, does one ever really change ?


  1. When I was saw a pic of you, you still had the youth. These two pics show how elegant you are, even at 22!!!

  2. Somewhat yes, I think we change. Only that change is called and regarded as "evolution" of the individual. I personally believe that we're moving in a designated area (personality - wise) and it's up to us whether we want to ignore the boundaries or if we want to radically change course - doing so it is against our true nature and "destiny". I'm getting too philosophical for this hour...

  3. Not too Philosophical K, quiet true...

    What I see is at that time one is merely nothing more than the produce of one's upbringing mixed with one's own aspirations.

    Dreams and confusion...hoping to fly...but the wings are so small...

  4. « Tout homme en te voyant reconnaît dans tes yeux
    Un rayon éclipsé de la splendeur des cieux ! » Lamartine
    Il y a dans la lumière de la jeunesse une telle promesse qu'elle nous aide peut être à accepter de veillir.
    à contempler ces ombres lumineuses on se dit que les ailes ne sont pas si petites.
    magnifique série.

  5. Un bel hommage a la jeunesse Cat, la jeunesse a droit a tous les hommages. C'est injuste mais c'est ainsi.

  6. Très beau portrait de vous , avec une grande profondeur , quelque chose de limpide .EB

  7. Ivan, though the photographs of you are very lovely-I think I must prefer you as you are. Oddly enough- I do not think we feel as though we change-until we see photographs. then the idea of change is marked--- obvious. That in itself makes your Art- magic. Alchemy.

  8. Elisabeth merci...

    Gaye, I also prefer myself today, more complete and far happier too.

  9. At least you were seeing a good barber. I abstain from the comparisons of age, except to seem to agree with everyone, that we think the best of the one we have. But I still wouldn't begin to know how to measure wings, or why we would.

  10. Au moins t'es heureux. Et cela compte raisonablement plus que la "perte" de cette fraiche jeunesse.

  11. kpriss... je suis bien d'accord avec toi

  12. The story is in the eyes, looking forward to the world.

  13. my grandmother said at 101 years

    that she felt so young inside.

    the more important element by far.

    i always thought samuel beckett had the right idea about wrinkles and looks !

    my idol.


  14. I love this photo of you paired with the photo in the previous post... perhaps, the question is answered in your shadow.
