Tuesday, August 23, 2011

 Sam, flying. Seignosse, 21 Aug. 2011

If you let the angels take the picture,
they might do a self portrait.


  1. you have such a neo-angelic shutter release as it is, that the proof of the figure's vitality in the field - the unexpected pivot, no matter how well timed one's anticipation; the spontaneous alignment of limb and spine, the evident overlay of the feet, &c - must still be quite thrilling, even to a fellow who knows what he's doing. so there is the angel's self-portrait, condescending to your open film plane; how do you get them to be so nice to you?

  2. I wonder...but Yes, it is thrilling !
    The mystery, the gift... It was the last picture on the roll.
    As the story goes, after that I bought him a crepe and had an ice cream for myself ... Life !

  3. Such a shot of the spontaneous moments in life that are priceless is the stuff that dreams are made on.

  4. tellement beau..on en a les larmes aux yeux.
