Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fresh from the oven, as Miss Vreeland might have said, my first sculptures in clay.


Hollywood forever, Kevin said...

Ivan, These new sculptures are wonderful. I love the glaze. I wonder if all the snow effected the color choice, which by the way is stunning. Also, clay is not easy to work with, I'm impressed. Thanks for sharing.

Valéry Lorenzo said...

I absolutely agree with the preceding comment ! Il y a beaucoup à voir dans ces formes...

Anonymous said...

very koo indeed!

Scott Fazzini said...

They are insanely good! Well done!

Your fan in the District,


merci merci....

Helen James said...

I want to touch them.... beautiful work x

Mlle Paradis said...

these are great! i think there is so much untapped sculptural potential for clay.

Anonymous said...

Est-il encore possible de laisser un message en francais sans avoir l'air trop ridicule ? Trève de plaisanterie : Très belles sculptures, mais quelles tailles font elles ?


Bien sur. On peut ecrire en francais. Merci pour vos compliments. Les sculptures mesurent environ 18 cm de haut.

balsamfir said...

I would write in french, but my written french is terrible. These are really really good, and its hard to believe they're your first ones. I hope you continue with them, en serie.

Urban Earthen said...

Hi Again Ivan

I have just discovered your blog and am overwhelmed by your talent. I asked to buy your Goat plate if Barbara did not, but I am sure she will :-) So just wondering if you are selling your new clay sculptures. I love them.
